A typical day may look like this...
Children arrive early and have access to the open-plan downstairs area and secure outdoor area. We provide a healthy breakfast around a table and this is when we plan our day as a group. Children will have lots of time to learn through their play at Kangaroo TLC as well as exploring the great outdoors!
We never know what we are going to get up to. The children plan their day around the breakfast table and we 'story map' our day. We head out every day and most days this is straight after breakfast. Mid-morning we will have a healthy snack - this could be at home, in a park or anywhere we may find ourselves!
After returning from our explorations, children will “chill out”, listen to a story or help to prepare lunch and set the table. Early in the afternoon, we all tuck into lunch. Maybe we're old fashioned but we firmly believe eating should be a leisurely, social occasion where stories and thoughts are shared around a table. The children will often be involved in growing and preparing their own food and this always brings a whole new dimension to eating!
Please visit our Facebook page for more examples of our adventures…
“Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding”
Robert John Meehan
After a busy morning we may have to fit in some naps and we all enjoy a quieter afternoon. We are flexible and can adapt to the children’s needs for nap times. Healthy snacks will be provided during the afternoon. Our afternoons will be spent having fun and playing indoors and out with a mixture of child initiated and adult led activities.
At Kangaroo TLC
The children are encouraged to explore a range of fun and engaging experiences and these will be individually tailored to your child's interests.
Digging and planting
Messy play
Sand and water play
Art and craft activities
Model making
Den building
Mud kitchen
Singing and dancing
Block play
Story books
Phonics activities
Sensory play
Role play
"The ultimate gift we can give the world is to grow our tiny humans into adult humans who are independent thinkers, compassionate doers, conscious questioners, radical innovators and passionate peace makers."
Out and about
Each day will involve at least one, maybe even two trips out to explore the local environment!
“Muddy Puddle” activities
Welly walks in the local woods, fields, and trails
Pond dipping in the shallows of the river and reservoir
Visits to the park
Trip on the buses and trains
Visiting the library
Visiting Mansfield Museum
Caring for our community
All of our meals are freshly cooked using lots of British and local produce. We even bake our own bread!
We aim to eat very healthily with lots of fruit and vegetables, meat and fish. We provide tasty, well-balanced, healthy meals for the children and they will be involved in the preparation when possible.
Below are examples of some tasty treats we may enjoy!
I’m interested…
Email us via the 'Contact' page and we will then be in touch to book in a visit. We encourage all families to view other local settings as well as Kangaroo TLC. These include nurseries, pre-schools and childminders.
Visits to Kangaroo TLC usually last around 30 minutes and it's an opportunity for you to see what we're about and for you to ask any questions. Remember, there isn't such a thing as a silly question so please fire away!
If you like what we do and you wish to secure a place at Kangaroo TLC there is a small deposit, which will be returned at the end of your child's time at Kangaroo TLC. Once the deposit is received, we will prepare some paperwork for you to read through and sign.
We will then offer a ‘Home Visit’ but this is entirely optional and there is no cost for this. An adult from Kangaroo TLC will come to your house with the aim to start building up a relationship with you and your child in a familiar environment, fill out some paperwork and share our Policies and Procedures with you. With our previous experience in schools and nurseries, we have always found ‘Home Visits’ invaluable as they really help your child to settle in when they start. We will also book in 2 free short sessions with us. This helps with the settling in period and prepares them for their full days.
Payments must be paid in full before the start of the month and additional hours are added to the next invoice.
The Kangaroo Family
Here at Kangaroo TLC we are a family. We work together with parents and the local community to practice family and British values, developing the cultural capital of our little people. We talk, play, explore and eat around the table as a family. We care for, support, encourage and challenge each other in all that we do.
Part of the vision at Kangaroo TLC is to be the heart of the community – to model and teach children about family, community and British values. Compassion and kindness for others is one of our core values. Throughout the year, we will participate in National Charity events such as Children in Need and The Poppy Appeal; we will also support local charities such as Framework and St Peter’s Church.
We also believe it is important to appreciate those who help us so we will often bake delicious goodies and take them to our nearby emergency services.